@4thstnyc: A Rose on 4th

Rose, an immigrant from Malta sits outside her 5th floor walk up where she has lived for the last 64 years on E 4th street in the east village. She raised her 7 children in this apartment, many of whom moved to NJ. The storefront where she sits used to be a meat market until the neighbors sued due to middle of the night noisy deliveries, and had the store shut down.
A Rose on 4th

Rose, an immigrant from Malta sits outside her 5th floor walk up where she has lived for the last 64 years on E 4th street in the east village. She raised her 7 children in this apartment, many of whom moved to NJ. The storefront where she sits used to be a meat market until the neighbors sued due to middle of the night noisy deliveries, and had the store shut down.